2/2 10 rows
5/7 8 rows
7/16 6 rows
11/49 4 rows
12/50 2 rows
But who's counting... this is so addictive; I can't start anything else right now.

5/7 8 rows
7/16 6 rows
11/49 4 rows
12/50 2 rows
But who's counting... this is so addictive; I can't start anything else right now.

Oh wow! Amazing...That's so cool!
(My hand aches just looking at all those crocheted squares!)
Counting is important and fun! You can feel yourself nearing your goal with every one. Or are you not one of those people who likes to cross things off a to do list?
Loving all the colors and changes!
Hee hee hee! Hooray for Babette! I love your squares.
Of course I think it's just too cool you are crocheting lots and lots of squares.
They make a really pretty picture!
What a great looking pile of squares -- it looks like your are having lots and lots of fun!
They look great - and the blanket is going to be beautiful :-)
it is a new addiction: crochet. It will turn out great. Are you using up all your leftovers?
This blanket is going to be gorgeous, all those great colours! Wish I had the patience to make one myself.
Wow, that's going to look amazing.
So beautiful. I love watching the blanket grow square by square, your color choices and combinations are amazing.
Your blanket is truly going to be fabulous!! It's almost enough to make me take up crocheting....
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