You are all to “blame” for my fab productivity. It all started last October 2005, when I found the great knitting group in NYC Sit N Knit organized by the amazing Annie. I met many wonderful young creative knitters, and some had blogs. I thought to myself: “Self, blogs are for other people who have nothing to do, not you. You don’t have spare time!” But than I thought: “Well a few minutes a week, surely, I could find a little time…” little did I know that this will escalate to a full-scale blogoditis! Not only does it take more than a few minutes a week, (ya’ right!) its addictive and I Love it! Blogging and reading knitting blogs!!!! The inspiration has been tremendous and I met so many global knitting buddies, and teachers. I also found way too many lovely, gorgeous, luscious yarns to buy. I did not even know about 80% of them, and now I find I HAVE to have some… So now knitting/blogging has to happen, so who has time for housework? What housework? Yes Annie, its all your fault, every time I knit and or blog instead of doing the laundry! So it was a great knitting year. I participated in some swaps and KAL. It was fun. I will do those again, I am sure, this year.
Before 2006 I knit 2pairs of socks, ever! I in 2006-I knit 11!
So here goes the 2006 list: (see them all here)
11 pairs of socks (not counting the bunny feet…)
7 hats
5 scarves and one neck warmer
2 pairs of fingerless gloves
1 tank top
4 sweaters
3 pillows
3 iSocks
2 miscellaneous
Only 2 projects remain UFO- the Hopeful top and the sea silk lace scarf. I have tried lace for the first time and I am still not loving it. Perhaps I need to find better needles for it. What are your favorites for lace? I will finish them up.
Resolutions for 2007
I will get more sleep. I am a much happier, smarter, faster, funnier, stronger (simply better) person with more sleep. No two ways about it. Not to mention how much better I look…
I will learn how to spin.
I will make an inventory of my stash. Rain has dared me to count every inch. LOL! LOL! That will not be possible… I am going for a more general picture with labeled boxes. My trip to the container store was fruitful and I know can see my bedroom floor for the first time in months! No ladies, not everyone has a yarn room, or a yarn cave… but I can play pretend... ☺
I will make an effort to knit from stash. I have lovely yarn! Why not knit it? I am not joining the stash KAL, but nonetheless…
I want to knit with:
Estelle: 100% Italian sportweight cashmere (clapotis, still waiting for the right yarn!)
Crown Mountain Farms Sock Hop (socks, and or gloves.) Does anyone know where to get it? They are always out of stock.
I will knit a toe-up. It’s about time.
For my son, I will only knit socks for a while. He seems to like those but thinks the rest of it is “not cool.” So be it…
I will knit more lace. I shall finish at least 3 lace projects in 2007. Yes I will.
I will felt some clogs with beads.

I hope I will have more leisure time from now on; and use some of it to meet with my knitting friends!
No other major plans yet, although there are a bunch of things I’d love to knit, they are too many to list.
And last, but NOT LEAST- I will have fun knitting!
Oh, I forgot. I looooove all your comments! Please keep’m coming. It’s really good to hear from you! Happy New Year!
A lovely post. I enjoyed reading it. Like you, I didn't know knitting blogs existed but BOY they do! But isn't blogging just the best? My friends look at me with sympathy but they don't understand. You have summed it all up nicely.
I too would like to make some felted, beaded clogs (the Stitch Diva ones) and I'm glad you've reminded me. Also, I must do a toe-up as well. But I wish I had a stash to knit from........
Have a good - no - GREAT year!
PS Thanks so much for all your comments on my blog. I really do love reading them. You strike me as a person with a natural and peaceful wisdom about all kinds of things in life. I appreciate your input.
Great post - I have tagged you so check my blog for your assignment (and please forgive me)
I love the Mont Blanc DK cashmere so highly recommend it. I got the Stitch Diva felted clogs iwht beads pattern but did the Fiber Trends one instead (though I do ahve the yarn and beads for Stitch Diva) so it seems we ahve similar new Year's resolutions!
Happy New Year to you!!!
I too joined the knit blog world in 2006 and was really surprised at how it inspired my knitting. Wishing you all the best in 2007. I'm looking forward to another year of your great knits.
I've also decided to make an inventory of my stash. I will separate nature yarns from acrylics and blends. First I thought about donating the acrylics to charity but then I reconsidered. I will use it in my art work instead. What it ends up in we will just have to wait and see I guess.
Think you caught it on the spot about knitting, blogging (and bloghopping). 24 hours a day aint enough when there's so much to do.
Take care!
Happy new year! I'm also reconsidering my stash for actual use... :) Not brave enough to join the stashalong either, but I'll be cheering on from the sidelines ;)
I've so enjoyed getting to know you, and you inspire me! So I'll keep coming back...You've been really productive this year.
(and isn't all this yarn just glorious????)
Aw, come on, you must be curious about how much you have.
You've had a really productive year, I hope the next one is just as good. I look forward to seeing you achieve your goals.
I always enjoy your blog. It makes me smile and that's a good way to start the day. My plan for the New Year is to cut back on the number of blogs I visit....yours will still be on my list to read though.
happy new year! you've certainly been productive in 2006 - may 2007 be a great knitting year!
HAHHAHAHHAA! And I blame you for some of the knitalongs I joined! I have loved them all! Blogging has made my stash explode, and thankfully, my FO list grow. Glad I could be of service to the betterment of your knitting. :-)
Ooohh oooh I know I know. I know where you can get CM Sock hop. Go to their site, and order the roving, and spin it, and you will then have the sock hop yarn. Good idea, huh? Happy New Year.
It was great reading, and as usual, what production. You are amazing. 11 pair of socks. Wow, that is very impressive. Yeah, I agree on order in stash, and using stash... and Im so thankful for your great comments and great links. Meeting you was a highlight this year, I wish you all the best for 2007. Your friend
Wow, what a production! Four sweaters! I'm glad you enjoy to blog, because it probably means that you will continue blogging. Which is a very very good thing, since I enjoy so much to read your blog :-)
I recently made a hair pin lace from sea silk. While I liked the hand and the finish product, winding it from the skeins to balls gave me fits. It's a good thing I was making a shawl that consisted of strips or I would have been very annoyed about the 10 balls instead of 2. You might try Crystal Palace Bamboo needles. They made my first foray into lace knitting instantly more enjoyable once I quit using the Boye needles and switched to them. Nice blog, hope to drop by again.
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