Some of you may have wondered where I might have been lately. I've been on
The Rav. Or
Ravelry as it is officially known. And if you are not on yet, and have not yet put your name on the waiting list- than there is still a chance- RUN AWAY! Just kidding, but, Yes my dear, I am here to warn you- The Rav is addicting!! We even started a
ravelholics anonymous group! Its an awesome site and when

it is open to all members, (its still in beta testing) it will revolutionize the knitting world as we know it. What is it? its a place to track your knitting, your stash, your other pursuits (like spinning) and to conncet to a huge data base of patterns ideas, stash uses, examples of things you could do with your stash, creating a queue for all your future knitting, connect with knitters like you (readers, movies buffs, bakers, NYC folks etc.) But mostly- its a place for the Global Knitting Community to get together! And well- it has taken all my time. I did do a little knitting this week, The Gothic Leaf Stole got one pattern repeat, and I have been adding to my
365 days Freeform knitting project. I got the box for my sockapalooza pal ready to go- just waiting the last touch-
Commemorative Sockapalooza 4 Sock Project Bag that Allena
is making. They are very cute. Of course I had to get one for me as well... cause they don't have to be just for sockapalooza...
But mostly I have been
on The Rav! So now- I MUST get back to my sidewinder. Next week is the grafting party and I am still in Act II. Will I make it? Stay tuned!
I never would have started a blog if Ravelry had been born sooner. Not that I regret blogging, but my original intent for the blog was to keep a record of my knitting projects. Now, I get a lot more out of the blog, but for the sake of record keeping, Ravelry can't be beat.
I think there should be a twelves step program from Ravelry. Yeesh, I'm checking in constantly and having to pretend I don't own a computer in order to get any knitting done.
I look forward to 'The Rav' opening its..... doors(?)to the global knitting community! Blogging has become about more than yarn, but you do get sidetracked when you have a particular goal in mind!
Ahh, Ravelry... Difficult word, and no access for us "foreigners" - waiting list. That is depressing. Im obviously so OUT. But - hey, I get knitting done, and yarn-shopping. Still having fond memories of our meet last year. Nice to see all your progress, your blog is still fantastic.
Take care,
I joined yesterday, and is rapidly losing my interest in all other things!
Must remember to eat and sleep, must remember to eat and sleep...
Ravelry is so fun isn't it? Such a time suck though!
hey, its a legal obsession! glad you are enjoying it so much.
I don't think Jess and Casey knew what they were getting themselves into when they started Ravelry. It is so addictive and amazing. I love the pattern search. Being able to look up the specifics of a pattern and see what others have done with it I absolutely love. Soooo addictive.
Like Liz, I started the blog primarily to record my progress (or lack of it) in the fibre arts. It's grown a bit :-) But if Ravelry had existed, I wouldn't be blogging. I wouldn't have time to work, let alone blog! It is good. I hope Jess and Casey manage to find a good model to earn a living from it.
ohhhh wish I would get my invite :(Sounds like a load of fun.
I think the idea of 365 days free form is brilliant.
Oh and the dogs ALWAYS steal the show that,s why I don't show them often;)
Oh, no kidding...addictive is the word. But I still love my blog.
You've been missed here!
I'm expecting an invite any day now, I can't wait to get in. Thanks for the warning of how addictive it is.
What an interesting and fun idea--Your free form project is...I love you color sense...
I've been afraid to join Ravelry for the reasons you mention--addiction. Do I need another addiction?? Even if it's related to my primary addiction of knitting?? Will is decrease my knitting time?? Oh my, can I resist??
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