Some progress for Trekking #36 but not much else. I have not been in a thinking mood due to some annoying issues at work. In other words, to start some of the projects I want to pursue requires planning and thinking, and probably some modifying, and I have too much to think about at this time, so there, easy mindless socks. Its just one of those mid week humps I got to get over…
World Wide Knit in Public Day knit-out on Sat June 10, in
Central Park was great. 
It was terrific to meet new and old knitting friends and to knit in public. The heels got turned. Note my silly outfit to show my other Trekking pair of socks... How far will you go to show off your socks... Oh, I ordered
Crocs, (in navy) the clogs. They will be good for work, (some of my co-workers swear by them) but more importantly- they are perfect to show off hand knit socks. (Who said they are uuuuuuugly? Come on out and say you sorry)
There is a lot of talk from many knitters about spinning and I feel like I’m getting this close to trying it…what’s stopping me? Space and budget. In NYC we have limited space. There will be a
Spin-Out in Central Park on Sat 6/24. This link has much fundraising talk, but scroll all the way down for the details.
And finally, this button has popped up on a bunch of blogs. Crancky but cute...
I know what your thinking, so I'll answer yes, I'm commenting because your button told me so.
It was nice meeting you this past weekend and I'm sure the boys had a fun time running around like wild animals.
Is it just me or has everyone been bit by the knitting sock bug?
Alright already, I'll comment. Don't get yur knickers in a knot! Sheesh!
Love the socks. That colour 36 looks awfully close to my colour 32. Or 33. Not sure, can't really read the label. Maybe it's 36! Anyway, they're looking good!
Loving the wineglass feet still :)
It almost killed me to comment, too :)
Crocs... hm... to be honest... they are so ugly that they are cool... I love them! But why not another pair in fuchsia... and lime... and orange...and turquoise... and bright yellow... and...
Clogs are great. I'm wearing my clogs right now, as it happens. I bought them in Oxford in 2003 and they hardly look as though they have a day's wear! But, to answer the question of how far a person would go to show off their socks, Sarah (http://www.cinereous.blogspot.com/) bought a brand new pair of sandals and had to fight the shop assistant first!
Love both pairs of your socks....
Those crocs look good. I like all-weather footwear (but will have to be more careful when I'm wearing handknit socks). Speaking of which, yours are wonderful. I love the stitch pattern on the pair you're working on, and the Basketcase is? are? beautiful.
Looks like you had a great day out for WWKIP day.
I've got the slingbacked open-toed crocs just for France in a zesty orange--Zappos.com has all colors. Way to go KIP! Taking a break from NYC guests who insist on telling me the health benefits of every organic item they bought at the marche.Secretly hiding Nutella in bushes and gin/vermouth in cistern.;)
Hey, I have tried to comment, but after several attempts - I really need those glasses ON, not just only in my bag - I got it. I like your socks, Hey, I like you! With or without banner, you shouln't feel blue. I also feel blue. It is so blue we are mistaken for the sea! Hey, my dear friend. I'm glad that knitting really is a good way of life. Take care doll. Is Me and Ed's Pizza still a NY favourite? or is it old stuff? Hmm I hungry.
Hello from England. I saw a link to your lovely blog through garngamen's blog. Will pop back later and have another look.
It wouldn't kill me to comment...love the wine glass feet! I can't believe I haven't started my Trekking socks, showing incredible restraint. Good grief! Loving yours, hee hee!
Limited space? Well that's what spindles are for! And they do make nice, compact spinning wheels now that are easy to store, if you get tired of spindle spinning.
*enable enable*
*cough* Spindle kits..... *cough*
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