They say art is good when it makes us react either way, so I guess the "Brides" is doing its job. It is located in The Lever House, in NYC on Park Ave (between 53rd & 54th Streets). We are very lucky in NYC to have such a great variety of art to experience first hand.
So I am away for a week or so since Friday. I was very upset that I did not receive my Petal collection package on Friday before I left. It was going to be my trip project. I have limited PC access here, (can't use all the time and can't upload pix) which is good and bad. Sorry can't pix the post.
On the plane, I finished my son's trekking XXL 101 socks (from the yarn I had left over from my pair, ) which I started last week. I love the idea of mommy and me socks Ala sock pron.
I started the razor shell socks, with yarn I had in the stash but could not find the tag before I left. I sort of packed in a hurry, since I was fully expecting to take the new petal collection socks with me. The razor pattern is flowing for me now, since I made the Razor Cami not even 2 weeks ago.
The new air regulation allow you to bring all your knitting stuff on board (for which I am very greatfull!), but not water... a travel tip, if you are a water drinker, bring an empty bottle with you, with a cap, and have them fill it for you as you get on the flight. its really annoying to have to constantly ask for water and have to either finish a whole cup at once, or risk the spills... If you fly business or First, they give you indi bottles...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lace by any other name.

Its lace, and I wore it in public today. Hooray.
Pattern: Razor Cami
Yarn: Classic Elite Premier (50% cotton, 50% tencel) in Keylime (3.5 skeins)
Needles: US 5 and 7
The pattern is easy to follow, and although I made a few mistakes- it survived...
Modifications: I knit the next size up and made the straps much shorter. It was tough to measure for the straps all by myself, but I got it somehow.
What I have learnt: Lace is not that scary. There is “nothing to it” really. Its “just” YO here, K2tog there. Knitting with a cotton blend is good to help you see the structure of the lace to understand it better, but it is not as flexible. Mohair or other more hairy yarns will be more forgiving. I can see lace can be very forgiving.
When you have many sl1K2tog psso columns in the fabric, you can only stretch them in the blocking so much. It will stretch more in length, but not the width.
Knitting lace in the round is not the same as knitting it back and forth (as you do here, when you divide for the front and back.)
When you hold your arms on your hips just so (as I do in the photograph) you can hide all the extra...
Things I knew but “forgot”-
I am a tight knitter. I should ALWAYS go up at least one needle size, if not two. Ok, so I should have swatched, but knitting lace in the round is not the same as knitting it back and forth (as you do here, when you divide for the front and back) so what is the point?
I was also reminded that I am not selnder anymore- I need to knit things "up"..........
Am I ready for more lace? Sure. Bring it on baby! I may be ready now to try my VK lace shawl. I think I will swatch with a cotton blend, just to see the structure, so I can "get it," before I use the intended yarn.
Thanks for your kind words on my pottery. When I had time to do it, it was great and I loved it. Very absorbing and great to clear the mind and center the self. When you throw on the wheel, you have to be very centered or the pot collapses. I’d love to get into handbuilding and Raku as well. One of these days…
Oh, my blog was nominated for Best New Knitting Blog (wow)among others. So please go vote for me, and other favorite blogs, here...hahaha...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Fall weather in August!
I am sooooooo delighted with this Fall weather in August. Fall is my favorite season, and I have so many more knitting plans this year than last year. This belonging to the international family of knitters/bloggers has certainly escalated this knitter’s fiber addiction!
Thanks for your kind words about my photos. Karenk and "I Need Orange" are right; the answer to "And what have we here?" from ECF is indeed: Duckweed, (also known as water lentils).
Thanks for your kind words about my photos. Karenk and "I Need Orange" are right; the answer to "And what have we here?" from ECF is indeed: Duckweed, (also known as water lentils).
So after my post last Saturday, I rushed to Purl Soho, and got 3 skeins of Classic Elite Premiere in keylime for the Razor-Cami. They only had 3. I hoped the yardage would work. I found out I needed more so I had to go back… They got more this week, dye lot similar enough. (And they wound it up for me, for free). Going to Purl is always fun, alas costly… They truly specialize in luxury (natural fibers) yarns. No “basics” there, and that is what they are good for.
They open at noon on Saturdays and by 12:05 pm the store was packed! Sure enough they got a few more items in... I was really good about buying only the yarn intended last week, but yesterday, ahmm…. I got some fab colors of Terra, of the The Fibre Company. about 10 of them, for a secret project. I scouted some other fab yarn of The Fiber Company’s Road to China, (content: 65% alpaca, 10% cashmere, 10% camel, 5% yak, 10% Soya) for a sweater for my son, but this will have to wait... a little. Other great yarns I spied: Rowan Tapestry and Rowan Harris Tweed (known as Scottish Tweed 4ply).
I bought the new Vogue knitting and IK magazines and spent a lovely lunch at Once Upon a Tart looking through them. My friend is a none knitter, but even she got excited about the new crop of designs; it’s been a while since I felt it was worth to buy the magazines for more than one project. Each has a few great ones.
Afterwards we went to The Jewish Museum to see a sculpture exhibit by the very talented Eva Hesse. They do not allow photography, but you can see most of the images on the two websites.
A few other yarns that have come to my attention are Taos from Crystal Palace Yarns. It’s kind of Noroish ( and I LOVE that) and apparently felt really well, (although I am not into that). And has anyone heard/seen/touched/tried O-Wool™ Classic? Organic wool seems to be a new trend.
I have been really enjoying my Razor-Cami. Its fun, fast and very soft! There have been one or two mistakes (maybe 3, so?????) but I didn't frog, I improvised. My grandma would not approve, from wherever she is, but I like the challenge of fixing...
What else is on the agenda? Well, sooner or later, I’ll have to tackle my lace “issues”… does the Razor Cami count as lace? Maybe I am getting closer…
I joined the International Scarf Exchange. Ya’! my first swap/exchange and I am very excited. I have so many scarves I want to try. What will my pal wish for?
And finally- Recently there have been many discussions about needles, following the introduction of the KnitPick set, how sharp each needle is, Kathy, aka Grumperina, has been leading a campaign to encourage Addi to produce sharper needles, etc. Ever wonder what the sharpest human-made object looks like under a super-high-powered microscope? Here is a picture of the sharpest needle, the Sharpest Manmade Thing!! Honest.
Last week was a stressful one for me, and I am facing some challenges at work dealing with staff issues again, next week. The global unrest and craziness is not good for my mental health, so I wanted to remind myself of calm. Before I became a parent, I had life (ha, ha…) and part of that life was pottery. On the wheel, things spiral- and I hope we are on our way to the end of this spiral to find peace soon, everywhere! So here is to life.

I bought the new Vogue knitting and IK magazines and spent a lovely lunch at Once Upon a Tart looking through them. My friend is a none knitter, but even she got excited about the new crop of designs; it’s been a while since I felt it was worth to buy the magazines for more than one project. Each has a few great ones.
Afterwards we went to The Jewish Museum to see a sculpture exhibit by the very talented Eva Hesse. They do not allow photography, but you can see most of the images on the two websites.
A few other yarns that have come to my attention are Taos from Crystal Palace Yarns. It’s kind of Noroish ( and I LOVE that) and apparently felt really well, (although I am not into that). And has anyone heard/seen/touched/tried O-Wool™ Classic? Organic wool seems to be a new trend.

I have been really enjoying my Razor-Cami. Its fun, fast and very soft! There have been one or two mistakes (maybe 3, so?????) but I didn't frog, I improvised. My grandma would not approve, from wherever she is, but I like the challenge of fixing...
What else is on the agenda? Well, sooner or later, I’ll have to tackle my lace “issues”… does the Razor Cami count as lace? Maybe I am getting closer…
I joined the International Scarf Exchange. Ya’! my first swap/exchange and I am very excited. I have so many scarves I want to try. What will my pal wish for?
And finally- Recently there have been many discussions about needles, following the introduction of the KnitPick set, how sharp each needle is, Kathy, aka Grumperina, has been leading a campaign to encourage Addi to produce sharper needles, etc. Ever wonder what the sharpest human-made object looks like under a super-high-powered microscope? Here is a picture of the sharpest needle, the Sharpest Manmade Thing!! Honest.
Last week was a stressful one for me, and I am facing some challenges at work dealing with staff issues again, next week. The global unrest and craziness is not good for my mental health, so I wanted to remind myself of calm. Before I became a parent, I had life (ha, ha…) and part of that life was pottery. On the wheel, things spiral- and I hope we are on our way to the end of this spiral to find peace soon, everywhere! So here is to life.

Friday, August 11, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The heat broke- we can think again!

Petal Collection's Calla Lily socks are finished. I am very happy with the way the yarn “happened” in my pair. Less structured than the way it appeared in many pairs at the KAL, and in Sundara’s picture. I followed the pattern as written, except to shorten the toe a bit. As Sundara said, its a simple sock with a

I also finished my Noro Blossom pillow cover, and now I

Here is my birthday gift to myself this year (July baby): Nancy Crow’s book of quilts.
It is fantastic. Really, words can’t describe the creativity you witness here.
It is fantastic. Really, words can’t describe the creativity you witness here.

By the way, these are not apples in the TGF_ECF picture. These are the fruits of Cornelian Cherry. The cornelian cherry, a shrub or small tree with bright yellow flowers in early, early spring and red, olive sized sour fruit, is a member of the dogwood family. The fruit is used in jellies or preserves, pickled like olives, or used to make wine. Also known as dog cherry and Siberian cherry. I have never tried to make jelly with it, but it sounds intriguing.
I did get a camera recently, to help me with my “once a day” photo shoot
of the Pond in Central Park. Since May 1st; I have been taking a few photos of the Pond every day. Same place, and more or less same time. Here are a few samples, unedited.
Here is my camera progression:
I used to have a really big camera, which had a huge carrying case. I went down a bit for a few years ago, and this year, I got a pocket one, and it has great features, and yes Mary, a good micro. It is however so small, that movement in slow exposures is a problem (you can’t brace it against your face.) Plus, looking at the LCD to get a good idea what is going on, requires glasses. Yikes! So I do a lot of guess photography, to surprisingly good results…
Hopeful and Austermann Step socks are moving right along. I’ll post photos when they are more interesting.
What is next- Well, it seems like a few knitters out there, inspired by the Mason Dixon book no doubt, jumped on the log cabin wagon in various forms, like Cara, and Wendy and tilkkupeitto, and Musttaa Villaa. I have wanted to make a crazy log cabin blanket or pillow for a while, with odds and ends. This is kind of inspiring.
Plus, I found a yarn I think will be great for the razor cami. Classic Elite Premiere- 50% Pima Cotton, 50% Tencel I think I am going for the Keylime. As soon as I am done posting, I am off to Purl Soho, to get it. They seem to be the only store in NYC to carry it today, and of course, there is no way I can wait to get it online, is there?
Here is an interesting concept- knitting graffiti: Knitta - a gangsta crew who "tag" public monuments and objects, just like graffiti artists, except for one difference: they do it with knitting. The Knitta taggers are wrapping trees, street lights, car antennas and door knobs in knitted coverings. I am not sure how I feel about this.
I did get a camera recently, to help me with my “once a day” photo shoot

Here is my camera progression:
I used to have a really big camera, which had a huge carrying case. I went down a bit for a few years ago, and this year, I got a pocket one, and it has great features, and yes Mary, a good micro. It is however so small, that movement in slow exposures is a problem (you can’t brace it against your face.) Plus, looking at the LCD to get a good idea what is going on, requires glasses. Yikes! So I do a lot of guess photography, to surprisingly good results…
Hopeful and Austermann Step socks are moving right along. I’ll post photos when they are more interesting.
What is next- Well, it seems like a few knitters out there, inspired by the Mason Dixon book no doubt, jumped on the log cabin wagon in various forms, like Cara, and Wendy and tilkkupeitto, and Musttaa Villaa. I have wanted to make a crazy log cabin blanket or pillow for a while, with odds and ends. This is kind of inspiring.
Plus, I found a yarn I think will be great for the razor cami. Classic Elite Premiere- 50% Pima Cotton, 50% Tencel I think I am going for the Keylime. As soon as I am done posting, I am off to Purl Soho, to get it. They seem to be the only store in NYC to carry it today, and of course, there is no way I can wait to get it online, is there?
Here is an interesting concept- knitting graffiti: Knitta - a gangsta crew who "tag" public monuments and objects, just like graffiti artists, except for one difference: they do it with knitting. The Knitta taggers are wrapping trees, street lights, car antennas and door knobs in knitted coverings. I am not sure how I feel about this.
Oh, I have been corrected to inform you that the right way to say the phrase I shared with you a few posts ago is (and that it is an old Swedish proverb):
"A sorrow shared is but half the trouble, but a joy that is shared is a joy made double."–
Ok. But you got it my way as well, right?
Ok. But you got it my way as well, right?
Friday, August 04, 2006
TGF-Eye Candy Friday
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